It began Friday morning with an appointment at the reproductive center to monitor the progress of my cycle. An ultrasound showed four follicles, with only one being matured over 20mm. This was considered 'good enough' and so I received an hCG shot to trigger ovulation.
After work, Todd and I had a date with our Littles. I began feeling nauseous. Kids don't really get when adults don't feel like climbing in the amazing maze, so I sucked it up and played as hard as I could and honestly, enjoyed every minute of it. We planned out our next morning, juggling jobs and appointments, mapping out the route to my IUI appointment and timing out collection. We got to sleep late.
Let me stop here to say that while this process is exciting and trying at the same time on me, it's been the same for my husband. Guys go through this sometimes without much to say and women assume that they have it easy. They just donate DNA, what could be so hard about that?!? But it can be just as lonely and humiliating to men without much of a support system to lean on. They certainly don't talk much about it with their buddies at the gym.
The next morning, the plan thankfully went out the window. Todd was concerned that collecting at home may not give us the best chance at viable sperm since we live 45 minutes away and he didn't want me traveling alone. So I followed him there and then sent him into a cold, sterile room by himself. He came out with filled cup in hand. The lab swept it away for wash while the doctor swept me away into a room for prep. The insemination took place and it was over. All very clinical and precise. We went our separate ways as the day required.
Now we wait. Trying to ignore every little hopeful or disappointing symptom. Trying not to focus on what's going in inside my body. We just wait.
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