
07 July 2010

Wordless Wednesday - The Painted Orchid

"When the emotions are strong one should paint bamboo; in a light mood one should paint the orchid."
~ Chueh Yin 

My first thought upon seeing this airbrushed orchid at The City Market was "how dare they!".  I am a purist at heart and thought it may have cheapened the luxury of the perfect blossom.  But it was gorgeous all the same; soft and provocative and AMERICAN (just like me!?!..LOL).  I hope you enjoy!

"The Painted Orchid" 
Photo Taken:  3 July 2010
Edited in Photo Explosion" Eliminate background and diffuse glow.

For more great Wordless Wednesdays and Reading!


Tayarra said...

That's pretty interesting. I've never seen that before!

alicia said...

Very festive! Thanks so much for stopping by and linkin up.

Kimberly Walker said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I am now following yours and look forward to reading more of your stuff.
All the best,

Gina Reuscher said...

Thanks Alicia - I look forward to your Weds! And thanks Kimberly! I have a friend Kim from was thrown a bit - nice to have a 2nd as friend now, too :)


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