
13 May 2010

B is for: BABIES!

While the movie progressed a bit too slowly in some places to completely hold my attention for 80 minutes, anybody who has ever had one or loves the sound of their coos and even cries can't help but be enamored by "Babies". The cute factor alone had me at Goo Goo Ga Ga.

There is no commentary, no narration, no interruption, no real sense of time; just the day in and day out of the life as a baby from the mundane to the little victories and milestones. I almost stood in the theater and cheered when one of the little boys FINALLY stood by himself (behind all of the others) with the wind in his fuzzy (and big!) hair like the ruler of his own little grass hut kingdom. I wanted to yell out, "NAAACHOOOOOOO!!!!"

Some are surprised by the intimacy of the scenes and approximation of the cameras as they captured the very essence of familial life by following four babies from different parts of the world through their first 18 months. Some are shocked and feel the documentary exploits a global economic imbalance. Others comment on the lack of obvious similarities that all cultures and all mothers and all babies share; and the natural development and evolution thereof.

I, personally, did not need an outlined cheat sheet to connect-the-dots nor a talking GPS roadmap to fully enjoy the journey. I think the beauty was in the inference and the simplicity of it all and I remain comforted in the confirmation that all any of us ever need - from birth through adulthood really - to grow and reach within our own innate will to be happy and to survive; to find the BIG personalities in all of our LITTLE love.

Besides - baby cheeks just make me want to smile. How about you?


Tayarra said...

Just reading you talk about this gives me the goose bumps and a lump in my throat. I don't know who wishes you were a "mom" more, me or you! You inspire me to be a better mom.

Gina Reuscher said...

Awwww..thank you. The movie inspired ME! But I have a feeling you don't need any help to be a better mom - you do such an AMAZING job all by yourself!!!

Tammy said...

I just found your blog through Blog Frog, in the Infertility Community Community. I hope you don't mind having another follower.

Gina Reuscher said...

Hi Tammy! Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm still getting the hang of it all. I LOVE the look of your blog (I just "changed my OWN clothes" this weekend and am still not thrilled) and look forward to reading more on it as well as we are just opening ourselves to the idea of adoption! Good luck and much happiness to you and yours.


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